Will this five-hour rule make you more successful?

We live in a fast-paced and highly-driven era

For those who spend all their time working but never feel as if they are truly progressing, their working life can become at best unfulfilling and at worst soul destroying.

For anyone who feels as if they are stuck at their current level while those around them are easily climbing the career ladder, it could be time to consider the five-hour rule – a technique used by modern moguls such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to propel their careers into success.

Here is everything you need to know about the five-hour rule – which focuses on at least one hour per day of dedicated learning and development – and how it could benefit you.


Setting time aside to read is one of the best ways to learn. Soak up the knowledge that both fiction and non-fiction books can offer and aim to reach a target number of books read over the period of a week or month. With ebooks on the rise, it is easy to read on the go and in a number of ways, making this one of the most original, best and accessible ways to learn.


Absorbing knowledge through reading and other means is all well and good; however, unless you take time to reflect upon the information you have learned, the benefit can easily be lost. Structure your reflection time by using a journal or other exercises to think about what you have learned and how you can apply it to you working life and future goals.


The only way to make new breakthroughs is to test out new ideas; therefore, set aside time in your five hours a week to try our new schemes, theories, ideas or products – even the ones that feel like no-starters. Some of the world’s most successful ventures started off with a crazy idea and someone brave enough to test it out. Even if your theory does not work, you will still have learnt something.

Setting time aside

When you are working many hours a week, it might be difficult to find spare time when you feel motivated enough to learn. You might not feel that you do not even need to learn; after all, you are learning while you are working – right? Wrong – dedicated learning that is targeted specifically towards your goals does not happen by chance; to grow, you should not confuse working with learning.


Productivity and success are important, but mean nothing if achieved cheaply and quickly. The five-hour rule emphasises self-improvement as part of a long-term process to become the best version of yourself.

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