3 ways recruitment can help create an engaged workplace

Employees with the highest engagement are usually doing jobs that inspire them or are working alongside a team they care about

Employee engagement has proved to be a bit of a rollercoaster in recent years with a large majority of employees being not only unhappy at work, but quite a few are ready to sabotage the company they currently work for. Additionally, companies face the fact that organisations with a low level of employee engagement see a 33% decrease in operating income.

This research has inspired companies to take a critical look at company performance and to establish employee appreciation programs.  However, the truth is that some of the responsibility of engagement falls to the shoulders of the employee. Sometimes, it’s simply a case of the wrong employee in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Red Branch Media shares how important talent acquisition is to them as an organisation and how they in turn create a vibrant, engaged workplace.

  1. Create a candidate experience that reflects your company culture

Engagement is a shared responsibility. For example, it is up to the employee to do their best work, communicate challenges with leadership and choose the appropriate attitude for approaching various situations with teammates and projects. However, in order to set that expectation for new employees, it’s important to communicate how your company works and set the right expectations during the hiring process.  Implementing a good step-by-step process with a personal touch, keeping a fast turnaround and having good open communication channels are all key to becoming an engaged employee from the start.

  1. Take time to understand the candidate’s attitude

Red Branch are firm believers in hiring for attitude and training for skill.  They feel it finds both the right hire for your organisation as well as your processes. In other words, they find hires that fit their team, company and the way they lead. It means hiring a temperament that can bring something needed to their organisation/department. It means allowing personality and work ethic to be an important factor in finding the right person for the job.

Employees with the highest engagement are usually doing jobs that inspire and intrigue them or, at the very least, working alongside a team or for a cause they care about. If you want a new hire to be excited on day one and on, you will take the time to consider whether they match the position past their skill capabilities.

Here’s how to find the right attitude:

  • Include identifying words in your job descriptions that allow job seekers to self-select and remind hiring managers what a successful hire would be.
  • Ask candidates to identify the part of the organization resonates with them most (i.e. mission, audience, daily work tasks, etc.)
  • Create “Day in the Life” videos that showcase the office environment, customer/client base or even the daily activities of someone in the same position so they can connect to the organization/role.
  • Establish a pre-hire assessment that follows the same process as an internal project.
  • Discuss the candidate’s professional aspirations and how those align with the job.
  1. Continue onboarding after the candidate joins and provide learning opportunities

Once a candidate has been accepted into the organisation, this is just the real start of the recruitment process.  The days and weeks that follow will decide whether they are a fit for your company, as 20% of employee turnover occurs in the first 45 days of employment.  The onboarding process is super important to discover how your new hire’s goals can translate into the work of your company.

There’s a lot that goes into finding the right fit for your company and keeping that hire engaged throughout their career.  There’s not one formula that works for all organisations or industries, but taking the time to analyse an applicant on their ability to thrive within the environment you plan to hire them for is absolutely necessary. You might get it wrong a few times, but more often than not, your diligence will land amazing people who complement your brand, are productive and who are happy to work hard and be 100 per cent engaged.

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