Use Twitter Lists to target smartly

Use Twitter Lists to segment and organise who you follow on Twitter to spend your time on the network more smartly.

Twitter is a vast, noisy place where posts are sent and lost within seconds. If a person is following more than a few accounts then a post can easily be lost in all the breakfast, football and general chatter throughout the day.

The result of this may be losing potential candidates, clients, or ways to connect and getting a better and smarter return on your Social Media efforts. So how do you make sure you don’t miss thevital relationship building opportunities?

Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are a basic way to separate the wheat from the chaff. It’s one place where you can sort out the people who you feel are important and tune in to them, all the while cancelling out the rest of the noise. Using twitter List can also separate your candidates from clients


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Opportunity for Lists

There are a number of ways to use twitter lists, all depending on your preferences.  Have a separate list for:

  • Clients: so you can engage and listen to active clients.
  • Candidates: Keep up to date and involved with candidates and keep them happy by showing an interest in them
  • Targets: Are you targeting potential clients through Twitter? Use a list for an easy way to see what they are up to and quickly engage with them.
  • Competitors: Keep an eye on the competition and see what they are posting and what they are up to
  • Influencers/Key People: Keep up to date with the latest news and tweets from influencers who can boost your social media presence. You can also find out what they are sharing and their thoughts so you can look to engage.
  • Content/Advice: Create lists and ideas for candidates/clients. If you are an specialist science recruiter then having a list that shares all the latest insight into the sector is a great way for community management.

Public/Private Lists:

You may not want to share who your clients are, or the targets that you are looking towards, in fear of the competition. Twitter allows lists to be private or public which enables you to control what you want the public users to see. If a list is set to private then only account can see the contents of it. Likewise, if it’s set to public anybody can see who is on the list and the contents of it.

If a list is public then you can easily share it – you just need the URL from the address bar and tweet it from your account.

You don’t have to follow to add to a list

If you don’t want to follow an account, you can use lists as a way to keep updated, without them knowing that you are following them, either through the list or as a normal follower. It can be a great way to keep following number down but still see the content.

The British Institute of Recruiters is the Professional Body operating The Recruitment Certification Scheme

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