Employment website, CV Library, says three in ten people will resolve to find a new job in January – the best time to start a job search. With over 840,000 UK current vacancies, The Sun teamed up with Employment Minister Alok Sharma to share some top tips for jobseekers looking for new employment in 2019.
He said: “With the New Year just round the corner it could be the right time to start thinking about your next career move, whether you are out of work or looking at changing jobs.
“There is more opportunity out there, with more than 840,000 vacancies as we head into 2019 — good news for anyone whose New Year’s resolution is to find a job they love.”
Update your CV: Ensure it is up to date with your latest work experience, education, skills and contact details. Many job centres run free CV-writing classes, so take advantage.
Be confident about your offering: Job Centre Plus work coaches will encourage you to think carefully about what skills and experience you have, and can help with interview tips. There is even government funding for things such as buying a smart interview outfit to help boost your confidence.
Increase your skillset: A college course, work experience placement or voluntary work could all enhance your skills. Many short courses, or even apprenticeships, start in January so you won’t have to wait.
Think outside the box: the Government’s Find a Job site at gov.uk/jobsearch lists more than 175,000 jobs across the country so there is a great chance that you will be able to find one that suits you.
Don’t give up: With more than 800,000 vacancies out there, it is a jobseekers’ market, so if you do not get the first job you apply for, move on to the next opportunity. Whatever challenges you may face, there is support. For example, since 2010, more than 970,000 disabled people have found work, as employers have adapted their working environments.
Remember, you’ll need a good reference
Davide Cervellin, author of Office Of Cards, shared these tips:
- NEVER badmouth your old employer, even after you leave. The person you carp about could end up your boss elsewhere. You may even want to return to your old workplace.
- Manage expectations. Discuss a realistic plan with your boss for what work you expect to complete in your handover period.
- Leave things in order. Save all your live work on your employer’s shared drives and create a map of where things are saved. If you are a people manager, create a document to outline individual accomplishments, issues, training or support required.
- Spend time with your colleagues. Leave them with anything they may find useful, from advice to contacts. Consider what your successor may need from you, so they do not complain.
- Do the best you can until the very last day and leave with a smile.