
The jobs that pay the most for men

Men who are serious about their earning power would be well advised to concentrate on certain sectors of the workforce

While wages can fluctuate with factors such as ethnicity, age and employer, the field men choose to work in is one thing they can have control over.

The work sectors of law, technology or medicine are all potentially high earners for males, along with being CEO of a company. Jobs that draw on science or technology skills appear to reward men well for their efforts, and while men do not have a monopoly on science-based skills, the often linear male brain can be well suited to work of this nature.

More specifically, men could consider aviation, in particular being a pilot or an aircraft engineer. A job like this could pay a man more than £70,000 a year.

Engineering tends to be a field where men still dominate, and electrical engineering is a skills sector in which men frequently excel, while also earning well – in the region of 70K or more annually. If a man pointed his engineering skills towards the aerospace industry, he would be in line to earn even more than this.

Technology is another area in which the male brain can apply itself for generous rewards. Again engineering is an option, this time in the area of computer hardware. Any job working with computers, software development or information technology management is going to be a secure and generally lucrative option for men.

Another sub-sector of this type of work is information security, and analysing or managing this for a large company could not only be rewarding but also pay well.

Applying science to geography and the environment could also be worthwhile for men who are interested in working as a geoscientist or an environmental scientist. A man with a passion for this kind of work could be investigating issues that really interest them, while pulling in a substantial salary each year.

Marketing and sales have traditionally been areas where a go-getting man with a talent for dealing with people could get on and do well for themselves. This is an area where a motivated man who knows his product and can combine that with some persuasive charm can really take the job, and his earnings, as high as he wishes.

Law is a career which until recent years was generally dominated by men. This is a field with many speciality areas, and more emerging as technology evolves in the areas of copyright and intellectual property. A smart man who applies himself to gathering thorough knowledge in an area of law that appeals to him can go a long way in the corporate law world, or even the judiciary.

The field of medicine is another one where talent and application are the main criteria for success, and a successful doctor or surgeon will not only have great career satisfaction, but will be extremely well paid. The adjacent sector of pharmacology also offers many opportunities that are well paid, especially as a pharmacist.

Some of us dream of running our own company, and for men who like running things, this is probably the ultimate job. Plus, it’s probably the best paid of all.

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