Sector and location are not so important but the business should be able to show a minimum net profit of circa. £200K
Editorial Team
Industry Announcements,
Wednesday 22 July 2015
I am working with some investors who are looking to purchase a recruitment agency/business. Ideally the business will have contract desks as well as a perm desks.
Sector and location are not so important but the business should be able to show a minimum net profit of circa. £200K per annum.
Head count between 3 and 5 and a healthy pipeline.
The investors are open to conversations regarding your business. Their time frames are flexible and this is as much about ‘the right fit’ as the business itself.
If you are interested in opening dialogue, please call me on 07749 133321 in total confidence.
By Dave Barber. Consultant & Trainer (Social Media and Start Ups)
Recruitment Agency Acquisitions Sought
I am working with some investors who are looking to purchase a recruitment agency/business. Ideally the business will have contract desks as well as a perm desks. Sector and location are not so important but the business should be able to show a minimum net profit of circa. £200K per annum. Head count between 3 and 5 and a healthy pipeline. The investors are open to conversations regarding your business. Their time frames are flexible and this is as much about 'the right fit' as the business itself. If you are interested in opening dialogue, please call me on 07749…
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