
How freelancers can build extra income streams

Freelancing does come with some downfalls, however, and the main one is not having enough work

There are lots of perks to freelancing; for example, you can set your own hours, you do not have to commute to work, and you can be your own boss.

According to a recent report from Contently, finding enough work is the biggest problem that freelancers currently face. Thankfully there are lots of different ways for freelancers to build extra income streams. Here are five ways in which you can build your income as a freelancer.

Write and sell an ebook

Lots of freelancers earn extra money by writing and selling an ebook. Simply write about a subject you know a lot about; for example, you could write a finance ebook with tips on investing and saving if you are a finance writer or you could write a website design ebook for beginners if you design websites.

Simply write the ebook, publish it online yourself, and promote it through your blog or Twitter. The best part is that once the ebook is published, you don’t have to spend any more time on it and can move on to another project!

Create a product to sell

If you create things for clients, such as website templates or SEO tools, you could develop your own products to sell. There are lots of different ways in which to sell your products; for example, you can sell WordPress themes at an online marketplace ThemeForest or you can create your own website to sell on. Before you create your product, make sure that you research online to see whether there is a demand for it.

Start a blog

Starting a blog is a great way to make money; however, it requires time and effort. You will need to set up a blog, avoiding websites that do not allow you to monetise your blog; create useful content; and promote it.

Once you start to gain a large following, you can place adverts on your blog. You will get paid every time a visitor clicks on an advert, which can add up to a considerable amount of money!

Offer online classes

Millions of people use the internet every day to learn new skills. You can take advantage of this by teaching people about your speciality; for example, you can offer writing lessons if you are a writer or teach people how to use design applications if you are a graphic designer.

Become a consultant

Lots of people want to know how to start a freelance career. As an established freelancer, you can offer coaching sessions that advise people on the best way to start a freelancing career. This is a great way to earn money and it should not be too difficult to find work, as many people would like to become their own boss!

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