4 reasons your job applications are being rejected and what you can do

The important thing to remember is that job hunting is a numbers game

Have you been applying for jobs in Metro Manila but you’re having trouble getting your foot in the door? Though you think that you may have been well-qualified for the position, qualifications only make up a part of the picture.

Companies and HR managers have different standards for what they want to see in the people they end up recruiting, and some of these standards can be very specific. At times, they may even seem utterly arbitrary, having nothing to do with the job you’re applying for or your ability to do it.

While all of this may make it feel like applying for Makati jobs more daunting than it should be, you can strengthen your profile and make yourself stand out as an applicant in ways that will be more attractive to more prospective employers.

The important thing to remember is that job hunting is a numbers game, and that the more companies you apply to, the more chances you have of landing an interview or even getting the position you seek. In the meantime, here are a few reasons why your job applications are being rejected, as well as what you can do to prevent it from happening next time.

Reason #1—Your resume is unpolished

Your resume serves as your introduction to the company that you’re applying to, and is the first thing that HR personnel evaluate.

A lot of job-seekers tend to underestimate its importance, thinking that the document is only a formality. On the contrary, recruiters can tell a lot about an applicant just by looking at their resume. It informs their opinion of you, without ever meeting you, which is why it’s worth putting your best foot forward with it. Unfortunately, many applicants don’t know how to put together a compelling resume, or they only put the bare minimum of effort into it.

An easy way to make your resume look more professional is to make sure that it is free of typographical and grammatical errors. In fact, you should endeavor to do the same to any and all communications you send or may be viewable to prospective employers, including emails and cover letters, as well as any content that you’ve left public on your social media accounts.

A simple fix-up can show the companies you’re applying to that you can communicate effectively and pay attention to details.

Reason #2—Recruiters have trouble figuring out what value you’ll bring to the company

Employers will always want qualified applicants, that much is true. However, qualifications can only get you so far. To really wedge your foot in the door, you’ll have to market yourself effectively with a clear value proposition. It demonstrates who you are and how you’ll be an asset to the company you’re applying into.

When the job application does not specifically ask for a cover letter, it could be a good idea to include a value proposition letter in its stead. You can also write your cover letter in such a way that it includes your value proposition by talking about your past experiences and achievements and angling them in a way that shows how you can replicate those same accomplishments to your new company.

When writing your value proposition letter, it’s best to be as detailed as you can. Providing employers with anything less than a clear picture of how your presence can benefit them and their business can only work against your favor. This means meticulously doing your research so that you’re able to write your value proposition letter in the most effective and compelling way.

Reason #3—You weren’t confident

Some applicants come into interviews thinking that wanting the job is enough. And while hiring managers do take your eagerness into consideration, they tend to look past that and try to see if you are capable of doing the job you’re applying for in the first place.

Short of demonstrating your abilities on the spot, the only way to project your competence to a recruiter is to be confident during your interview. Of course, you’ll have to strike that perfect balance and make sure that you don’t come off too smug or sure of yourself.

However, it’s important not to cower in fear either. Speaking clearly and making an effort to look your interviewer in the eye when speaking with them can go a long way.

Reason #4—You didn’t do your research about the company

Another rookie mistake that a lot of job hunters make when they apply for positions is not doing their research on the companies they’re applying to. Not only does doing so help you start your interview on a good note, it also helps you ace standard interview questions such as “What do you know about our company?” and “Why do you want to work for us?”.

Before going into any interview, do your best to read up on your target company. You can start by having a look around their website and social media before moving on to specific articles about them or mentioning them. Doing so should give you enough information to prepare detailed answers should you be asked any questions related to the company.

It may not be possible to know exactly what makes a company hire one applicant over another, but you can present yourself as a stronger candidate in general by reinforcing your profile with these tips. Good luck in your job search!

The British Institute of Recruiters is the Professional Body operating The Recruitment Certification Scheme

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