Recruitment Agencies: vacancies not to be advertised exclusively in other EEA countries

The aim of this ban is to “improve equality in the labour market” and ensure opportunities are presented to British workers, vacancies at…

The Government has indicated it intends to proceed in banning employment agencies from advertising British job vacancies exclusively in other EEA countries.

The aim of this ban is to “improve equality in the labour market” and ensure opportunities are presented to British workers, vacancies at the same time as EEA workers. Recruiters sharing jobs & splitting fees - IOR - The Recruiting Times

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The Government consulted on the issue over the summer months and a response published on 11 November 2014 which can be accessed here, together with proposed legislation which is annexed to the response.

It should be noted that the draft legislation is only applicable to British employment agencies and therefore there is nothing to stop British employment agencies using EEA agencies to advertise vacancies on its behalf.

It is the Government’s intention for the legislation to be in force by 31 December 2014.

The British Institute of Recruiters is the Professional Body operating The Recruitment Certification Scheme

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