9 Must-Have Tools and Platforms That Will Make Students’ Lives 3 Times Easier

Learners will have to adjust to the new reality, whatever it will be

The obvious fact is that education is transforming. It goes online but still encourages group participation and teamwork. It makes use of the world’s cutting-edge technologies while remaining pretty traditional and classic in certain aspects.

Students’ academic burden augments since they are required to combine both work and getting a degree, adjusting to the new “online” reality. Writers from https://uk.essaypro.com admit that the average deadline for a 5-page essay has been shortened by around 30%, putting students into even more distress.

It is hard to predict how the education field will respond to modern challenges. Yet, it is pretty clear now that the students’ academic burden will only continue to grow.

Learners will have to adjust to the new reality, whatever it will be. This will only be possible if students master advanced tools and learning platforms dedicated to saving their time and optimizing their performance. Several of them are listed below:


Trello is a unique tool that helps students working in groups delegate tasks and report on their completion. It is a wonderful instrument that facilitates collaboration and team communication. 

Using Trello app, it is possible to track your mates’ (and your own) activity instantly. Thanks to the friendly interface, embedded calendar, and timer, Trello prevents you from getting lost in all the assignments and tasks.


Modern education puts an emphasis on the ability of students to visually present their ideas. It means a lot to be able to translate complex terms into the language of graphs and pics understood by many. 

Infogram is one of many tools that serve to help you present projects and findings to the audience. It is extremely user-friendly and allows you to literally throw your facts and data onto viewers and build beautiful charts.


If you need to approach visual representation from a different perspective, WeVideo is exactly what you need. It can help you turn your assignments into an easy and fun experience for everyone. 

All you need to do is to upload content, arrange it, make all necessary edits, and save the file. A beautiful video with a recorded narration will definitely bring you a higher grade.


Modern education depends on communication, and more than ever so. It should be quick and easy to connect multiple actors and enable everyone’s participation. 

Remind is exactly the tool you need for this. It is dedicated to connecting all members of school communities, helping everyone succeed together. The main goal is to embrace technology and make people exchange information regardless of borders.


When it comes to accessibility of education, platforms like edX is the best proof of development. Today, students can obtain the skills they need by simply attending the necessary online course. 

EdX has everything you need, from creativity to high-tech and programming. All you need is to register and choose the program.


TED platform helps students approach learning from another angle. It gathers people with creative ideas and unconventional stories to make students learn from real-life experiences. 

Students get to listen to entrepreneurs like Jack Ma or a girl who escaped from North Korea from the first person POV. This helps them broaden horizons and develop well-rounded interests.


There are plenty of students who sincerely hate referencing. Even though they might love writing, making those citations simply gets them frustrated. 

EasyBib was developed to solve this problem. The tool helps students create academic references according to the latest style requirements. All you need to do is to scan the book or enter a website link. The rest will be done for you.


For those who have trouble taking notes during classes, iOS devices offer a lecture capture app. It is an audio recorder and a notepad that helps students save the entire lecture in both written and audio form. 

The app allows students to take pics and record what is being said, converting the data into the preferred format.


The right planning is a prerequisite of success. Paper planners are incapable of meeting the growing demands of students. 

Timetable organizer helps all learners keep track of the assignments and classes. Its interface is user-friendly and helps students adjust their plans with ease. Timetable can only be installed on Android, but there are similar apps for iOS devices as well.

Final Words

Education is evolving, and today, we are all witnesses of these dramatic changes. Students need to adapt to these transformations by making use of all tools and platforms possible. 

Since the academic burden will only continue to grow, they are solely responsible for easing the task for themselves.

It is critically important to keep abreast of the trends in education to meet them with the respective technologies. Many useful tools and platforms are being designed by students who’ve already been in your shoes. 

They experienced the pressure of burning deadlines and a growing pile of assignments and decided to put an end to some issues. It would be wrong not to use the solutions to make your life easier.

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