Quick ways to stop repeat hiring errors

Hiring the right person for your organisation is an important step for any business, regardless of size

If you find that you are repeating the same errors when you hire, maybe you are going about it the wrong way. Let us look at some ways you may consider hiring, in order to attract and keep the suitable candidates.

Extend the hiring period

Too often, potential employees are asked to attend a 30 minute interview in which they are given a few standard questions, and based on this, a candidate is chosen for the job.

The person you spoke to in that 30 minute interview session may not be the person who shows up to work. Instead of conducting an interview in a short period of time, consider making it a whole day affair or break it over two to three interviews.

It is much easier to put on a show for 30 minutes than it is for a whole day, so it becomes easier for people’s true personalities to reveal themselves (AUTHORITY URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/amberjohnson-jimludema/2018/01/25/four-fast-ways-to-stop-hiring-mistakes/3/#61967aa65fb1).

Don’t focus solely on skills

Recruiters sometimes focus solely on skills and experience, wanting someone with, for example, five years experience and a degree in English.

Yes, on paper this might look good, but can they do the job? Experience and qualifications are great, and for most jobs, they are crucial.

This, however, does not mean that the person will be a good fit for your organisation. Include situational exercises or a simulation, in line with the job role. It does not have to directly relate to the position they are being hired for, but it should cover some key areas of the role.

In addition to experience and skills, how much do they care about the job? Passion is that special ingredient that is hard to come by, but it may make a difference in the quality and commitment of the candidate.

Hire people who fit the organisation

Too often, recruiters hire candidates for a job, but they do not fit in with the organisation’s culture. Fitting the organisation culture does not mean their personality should be a replica of the rest of the team.

Rather, they should have certain core values that make them suitable candidates for the organisation. Ask candidates culture-based questions and assess the answers to see how well they would fit.

Stop focusing on ticking the boxes

Sometimes, recruiters focus on attracting candidates that meet specific criteria and are unwilling to look beyond this. Look beyond the boxes and personal biases and focus on competence.

Following these points should help you to cut down on hiring errors.

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